You are unique

You are unique

We understand that no two businesses are the same.

APIMS is designed to adapt to your organisational structure, your ways of working and even the terminology and job titles you use.

Manage by exception

Manage by exception

You know from experience that you can’t watch and manage everything all the time. You work out what "normal" looks like then you watch out for deviations.

You manage by exception – so we have designed APIMS to do the same.

Built-in Privacy expertise

What APIMS does

You don't need to be GDPR experts. APIMS automates complex and time-consuming tasks:

  • Records your processing activities
  • Provides legal bases for processing
  • Identifies risks and requirements
  • Sets practical tasks to remediate
  • Delegates responsibilities
  • Tracks tasks to completion
  • Reports on status, risk and compliance.

In short, APIMS analyses your organisation, tells you what your compliance risks and requirements are, what you need to do and how to do it. Then it automatically tracks, records and reports your progress.

Saving you time

APIMS set-up

Simply answer a few questions about your organisation and management structure, list your IT systems and third party services, select your processes and edit the pre-installed process details. That's it!

Always audit-ready

Your Board or Senior Leadership Team is accountable to the ICO – and maybe to other stakeholders too.

So you need to be in control.

APIMS Accountability Framework uses your organisational structure to create clear lines of accountability and assign day-to-day responsibilities to the right people.

Automated tracking, real-time reporting and record-keeping features mean you can actively monitor compliance and provide assurance to investors, auditors and regulators at any time.

Free 21-Day Trial - get started today