Setting up APIMS

No need to be GDPR experts! 

Simply answer a few questions about your organisation and management structure, list your IT systems and third party services, select your processes and edit the pre-installed process details.

That's it!

What APIMS does

APIMS analyses your organisation and automatically:

  • Generates your RoPA*
  • Identifies what GDPR requirements apply
  • Identifies your cybersecurity risks
  • Provides risk ratings so you can prioritise
  • Sets tasks to address risks & requirements
  • Tracks tasks to completion with evidence
  • Reports on status, risk and compliance.

* Record of Processing Activities

What next?

There is no silver bullet for GDPR compliance and Cybersecurity but APIMS will make it simpler, less time-consuming, more robust and less expensive for you.

Large organisations spend years and £millions implementing "Privacy Programmes" using consultants and expensive software.

As a smaller business, school or charity, you have the same legal obligations and risks – but not the resources. This is why we have developed APIMS.

APIMS applies the same "Privacy Programme" approach, but scaled down to meet your needs. The Set-up phase collects the information needed to identify your main GDPR obligations and the top security risks you face. The GDPR Compliance Report gives you a clear and easily manageable action plan to address these. By mapping your management structure, APIMS is able to automatically assign tasks to the right people. Dashboard reporting and detailed recordkeeping are also automated.

But managing GDPR compliance and cybersecurity is continuous, not a one-off activity.

Over the following months and years, APIMS will gather more information and initiate projects, broken down into tasks that are individually assigned. These will address specific areas, such as Privacy Notices, Records Retention, International Transfers and Supplier Risk Management.